What's the Beef with Bone Broth?

Perhaps you’ve noticed a “bone broth” recipe on Pinterest or overheard a conversation about this new trend. The good news is, there are a ton of benefits to bone broth and the better news is that it’s now available at Full Circle! Our bone broth protein powder is rich in protein, collagen, glucosamine chondroitin and several important minerals including calcium and potassium. It has been known to help with digestive issues, immune function, joint pain and a healthy muscle mass and weight.
According to archaeologist Daphne Derven, using bone broth is no new feat. Historically, animal bones have been steeped and used by most cultures because throwing out any part of the animal was seen as wasteful. It has also traditionally been used as a “cure-all” for acute ailments, such as a cold or the flu, as well as for chronic illness, particularly arthritic pain.
The Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Powder now at Full Circle takes all the benefits of a bone broth and makes them convenient and delicious! It’s available in vanilla, chocolate and original flavors and can be added to water, juices, smoothies and shakes and even soups! It is dairy free, gluten free, paleo friendly and has a whopping 20 grams of protein per serving! Come out and try our bone broth and receive 25% off- we would love to hear your feedback!
Bone Broth Protein. (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, 2016, from https://bonebrothprotein.com/
Lear, J. (n.d.). Jane Says: There’s Nothing New About Trendy Bone Broth [Web log post]. Retrieved August 11, 2016, from http://www.takepart.com/article/2015/02/04/bone-broth
Try Bone Broth Protein in a yummy smoothie!
Healthy Fall Apple Pie Smoothie 1 Apple ½ cup vanilla almond milk 1 scoop Vanilla Bone Broth Protein Powder 1/8 tsp cinnamon 1/8 tsp nutmeg ¾ cup plain, greek yogurt 1 cup ice *Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth